When it comes to shoes, the words Made in Italy stand for a know-how that goes perfectly with a passion for work. For the Franceschetti family, it is something more…a true love that has lasted over four generations.
In the early twentieth century, the grandfather of the current owners started the production of shoes in the downstairs shop in Montegranaro, in the heart of the shoe district. Each product came to life with love and tenderness and literally took shape in the hands of grandfather Adelio.
His skill has now been passed down to his sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They proudly carry on the family business; an expression of Made in Italy, or better said, of an authentic Made in Marche. The fourth generation aims on internationalise the business in order to make Franceschetti shoes loved all over the world: from Germany to Russia, to Japan via the United States.
The notable features of shoes which are Made in Italy are the fine attention to detail, the use of raw materials which have been carefully selected, along with a refined elegance and originality. All of these factors make each product a true work of art.
The jewel in the crown of the Franceschetti collection is the Handpainted line. Each shoe is hand dyed by master shoemakers by applying several layers of color. The result is a single pair of shoes, which gives the wearer exclusivity, and which will be loved by the new owner.